Sunday, October 5, 2008

Sarah Palin interviewed by Katie Couric. Must see.

You realize you're getting old when...

David Lettermen has his nightly "Top 10 List". I will have my own.

Here's my Top-10 List "You know you're getting old when..."

  1. Your waistline expands inexplicably and the pants in your closet no longer fit
  2. You get invited to more weddings than birthday parties
  3. The birthday parties that you get invited to are at MacDonald's - they're your friends' kids'
  4. You pretend to be interested when your married friends start talking about how smart their kids are.
  5. You go to a club and you find it noisy and stuffy
  6. You go to Karaoke and immeidately go to the menu "Selection by Artist". There's no hope you'll find a song you know in the "Pop Charts" section
  7. You'll have no friends after you lose your mobile phone because you no longer remember anyone's phone number in your head
  8. You forget people's names 5 minutes after you meet them.
  9. You go to a University event and you're the oldest alumni there.

And last but not least...

10. When you open the paper everyday, the first thing you do is to check the Lottery results, hoping for a miracle.

Damn, missed by 6 numbers again. Better luck next time.

Sunday, September 7, 2008



難道他們不知道有些事情是沒有解釋的嗎? 以前, 只有我爸爸成日都問'點解', 不過, 我發現最近越來越多人會問這個問題.


Caller: " 先生你好, 我是從xx財務公司打電話來的, 請問你有沒有信用卡呢?"

Me: "有...."

Caller: " 那正好, 我們公司現在有一個低息貸款計畫, 請問先生有興趣嗎?"

Me: "不用了, 唔該..."

Caller: "點解?"

Me: "因為無這個需要..."

Caller: "點解沒有需要呢? 我們的offer真的很好的."

Me: "真的不需要了..."

Caller: "那先生, 你覺得你甚麼時候有需有借錢呢?"

Me: (心裡面已經在xyz#$%^&!*他): "我希望我這世都不用, 多謝, 拜拜."

心裡在想, 如果我真的要借錢, 就不會等你打俾我啦, 我早就去找你了, 傻瓜.


可能這幾年真的在大陸習慣了. 在大陸, 問'點解'是浪費時間的. 因為, 在大陸, 很多野都是無的解的, 你challenge他, 到最後答案都是一樣的, 所以索性follow instruction就算了.

Life is short, 講這麼多都沒用, 還是行動最實際.

所以, 我現在還是選擇去睡覺罷了.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


最近發現"無聊"這個term真係幾好用, 因為:

- 如果有人問你, "這套電影好看嗎?, 你可以回答 "無聊的電影" [形容詞 (adjective)]

- 又或者有人問你, "你在干嘛?", 你可以回答 "我在無聊" [動詞 (verb)]

- 熱戀中的女仔亦可以好sweet地同男朋友講: "你好無聊嗯!!", 男友即刻lum 死.

雖然很多女仔都同我講 "你好無聊嗯!!"

不過, 語氣就大大不同, 因為一般女仔都是忍無可忍才跟我在電話裡講這句話, 之後立即cut線.


有下次的話, 起碼講句 "拜拜" 好嗎?

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Recommended Reading

Over lunch one day last week, one of my new colleagues mentioned that she had to recommend a book to someone her junior who's just starting their career.   At that moment, 2 things came to mind:

- Phew!  If someone had asked me to recommend I wouldn't have a clue what to say, given that I haven't read a non-fiction since I dunno when , and
- I wonder if Next Magazine, Sudden Weekly, E-zone, Men's Uno (or whatever that's at the hairdressers) would be suffice =p

So, after reviewing all the publications I've read in the past 15 years ( can probably count with 2 hands) and careful consideration , I have come up with my recommended list:

1) Next Magazine - hey you gotta know what's going on around the town right?
2) The Da Vinci Code - Controversial no doubt, but it's definitely a page-turner.  
3) Introduction to Economics by Alan C. Stockman

You may ask, "What?  Introduction to Economics is on your recommended list!?"

Well, if you're one of those people like me who can't sleep after several cups of coffee during the day, then this book is perfect for you.  I usually start at the Preface, and usually, before I get to "About the Author", I would pass out.  

Or if you need something stronger, go to the section "Supply and Demand".  That will put u to sleep within 2 mins.  "I Guarantee It!"  (for some reason the Men's Warehouse ad in Canada keeps popping into my head as I am writing this)

So, if you ever have any sleeping problems, pull out one of your old Econ books from your bookshelf.  You will not regret it.  

Hope you all had a good weekend.


P.S. This is the year Liverpool will win the EPL.  Even Jamie Carragher is scoring goals now.  Before Saturday, I think had scored 2 in the past 10 years.  Better go buy the lottery on Tuesday.

Friday, August 22, 2008

A new beginning...well, sort of...

Question:  Why do you think I am starting a new blog?

  1. Sitting at home on a weekday for the 2nd time in 3 weeks because of the typhoon (trust me I am not complaining)
  2. Because I am bored
  3. Getting tired of listening to dumb commentators on TVB's Olympic broadcasts
  4. Because your first blog was on Friendster and no one visits 
Your answer:

a) 1 b) 2
c) 3 d) 4
e) 1 & 2 only f)1& 3 only
g) 2 & 3 only h) 2& 4 only
i) All of the above

Well, I would have to say it's "i", but reason 3 is the biggest reason without a doubt.

Did TVB ever consider other people for these jobs?  I mean, what's the point of putting the ex-Miss HK's there when they have absolutely no knowledge about sports?  And the worst thing is, their voices are very annoying! 

The funniest 無聊 news in the past few months -  An ex-Miss HK champion who claimed she made 10+ million in a bear marke in the past yeart.  The funny thing is, she has no clue what the Hang Seng index the index is at.  Did she really think people are dumb and naive?

You're my idol, Ms. Yip.  Even Warren Buffett should take some lessons from you.  And, great nose job, by the way.